What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

SERVPRO has an outstanding reputation within this community of keeping buildings clean and safe. Their professional cleaners came in and cleaned our building and we knew everything was better than it was before. We used their certified program and we all felt better. We’re going to use them continuously as the virus is going on to keep our building clean.

I called SERVPRO to help with a difficult situation. Not only were they extremely sensitive to our situation but they also helped in ways above and beyond what was required. Thank you.

The guys did a great job. The carpet looks great!!!

They did a great job! Keep up the good work! The guys were awesome!!!

Techs were friendly and informative. 

Very prompt service and understanding of our needs.

Very satisfied! Always have been satisfied with service. 

I don't see how to improve this type of service. it was great!

The guys did a great job. The carpet looks great!!!

No recommendations, they were great!

Keep up the great work!

Kevin, very kind would want him back again to do my carpet anytime. He did a very thorough job. Very happy customer. Would recommend Kevin to anyone.

Went above and beyond to figure out the issue. Cleaned the air ducts very well and were very friendly to us. Would do business with again. 

Excellent! Very Pleased!

Great Job!

Every time they clean my carpets, it looks like new! I don't know how they do it. The price is also extremely reasonable! The best kept secret in the Quad Cities for carpet cleaning

Kevin did a great job and explained what he was doing to get pet stains out! Great Job!