Recent Storm Damage Posts

Storm Damage

7/11/2024 (Permalink)

home storm aftermath Storm destruction

How is storm damage reduced? Mother Nature can have a mind of her own, but there are some things you can do to limit the amount of damage your property receives from a storm.

  • Secure outdoor items: Taking a few minutes to secure outdoor belongings can go a long way in preventing them from causing damage to your property.
  • Make sure to secure trampolines, grills, trash cans, canopies/awnings, play equipment
  • consider storing vehicles inside a garage or under a covered space if possible. 
  • Maintain your home and yard
  • Roof damage is common after storms due to wind, hail, and snow/ice.
  • To decrease the likelihood of damage, ensure your roof is in good condition before the next storm.
  • Additionally, regular trimming of trees and bushes can prevent weakened limbs and branches from falling during a storm.

If a storm does impact you, SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf can help you with these services:

  • fire and water damage
  • cleaning and restoration
  • water removal and dehumidification
  • reconstruction
  • mold mitigation
  • carpet cleaning
  • bio-hazard decontamination
  • vandalism damage cleanup
  • odor removal
  • document drying, contents/furniture
  • cleaning and contents storage if needed.

Whether the damage is located in just one room or an entire building, we can do any size or type of cleaning or reconstruction project.

Our goal is to make any type of damage "Like it never happened."

After a Storm

8/8/2023 (Permalink)

The first step to cleaning up after a storm is making sure that area has been deemed safe. No one should enter an area that could be hazardous to your safety. Once it has been clarified that it can be entered safely, then the clean up process can begin.

Before entering the structure after it has been deemed safe is making sure you are geared with the correct safety gear. This includes a hard hat, eye goggles, boots that are waterproof and preferably with a steel toe and insole, sometimes ear plugs and waterproof boots are necessary, as well as a fire extinguisher.

To make sure that if anything were to happen, having another individual with you, instead of being alone will assure that help can come if needed. They can also help you pick up heavy objects.

SERVPRO is always here to help after a storm to help with any clean up that is needed. Anything from removing the contents in a home, to tearing out the damages to the structure and then following with the reconstruction process to get you and your family back home into normal daily life.

Damage after a Storm

7/14/2023 (Permalink)


Living in the Midwest, storms are inevitable. Living in a house, most people have trees in their yard and sometimes these tree limbs break and fall on the roofs of houses. Often this causes damage to the roof and could go into the house itself causing even more damage. If this were to happen, the next step is tarping the roof to protect the house from outside elements, illegal entry, and wild animals. SERVPRO offers inspection and repair on roofs; this process includes tarping and board up. This is a service that customers are often unaware that we offer. SERVPRO’s call center is open 24/7, this means that if storm damage happens overnight, we can be there to help at all hours of the day. We want to make sure that the damages to your home are is limited as possible and that way the restoration process is a lot smoother, faster, and less costly. We know how important it is for families to go back to their normal daily lives in their houses.

Is Storm Damage Covered by Insurance?

2/20/2023 (Permalink)

Storm damage may be covered by your insurance policy, but you’ll need to reach out to your agent to get specifics about your particular coverage. It’s important to note that your home must be maintained to a reasonable standard. Otherwise, it could be hard to prove that the storm was the cause of the damage versus a lack of proper maintenance and general wear and tear.

  • Insurance coverage for weather damage can depend on the type of policy you have and any events it specifically includes or excludes.
  • Liability due to weather factors on your property are often covered, such as if someone slips on ice and is injured.
  • It’s advisable to review your home insurance policy so you know exactly what it does and doesn’t cover before a weather event occurs.
The most common types of weather-related damage include:

  • Hail damage
  • Roof damage
  • Water damage
  • Wind damage
  • Sewer back-up
  • Frozen pipes
  • Fallen trees
  • Ice dams
  • Power failure
  • Flooding
  • Although not all damage is covered by standard homeowners' insurance, most of the above items are, with flood damage being the major exception.

    Heat Waves!

    9/22/2022 (Permalink)

    Heatwaves can occur almost anywhere in the country. The best way to overcome heat is to be prepared. Here are 10 tips to help you stay cool and be prepared when a heatwave strikes.

    1. Find the coolest area of your home. Basements are the coolest because heat rises.
    2. Drink more beverages. Even if you are not thirsty. However, stay away from hot drinks, and alcoholic beverages
    3. Avoid eating protein-rich meals. Your body heat will increase as a result of the increased metabolic rate. Eat lighter and more frequent meals
    4. Take a cool bath or shower. They should be right below the body’s temperature. Cold showers are not a good idea because they will make your body generate heat.
    5. Wear light-colored loose clothes. Avoid dark colors, they absorb the heat rather than reflect like light colors
    6. Avoid exercise and strenuous heat. If you must do, choose to do so in the early morning or evenings when its cooler
    7. Place ice cubes or run cold water on your pulse points. Do this every couple of hours to help cool yourself off. Your pulse points are areas on your body where blood circulates close to the skin.
    8. Spritz yourself with water and stay in front of a fan, in that water evaporates from your body to cool off.
    9. Unplug appliances or electronics you are not using. Electronics such as tv can consume electricity that converts into heat.
    10. Don’t forget that pets can be affected by heat. Don’t forget about your fur babies. Symptoms of heatstroke in animals: hot skin, wide eyes, excessive drooling, twitching muscles, and sometimes vomiting.

    Proper ventilation is almost as important to maintain a comfortable temperature. Stay safe, cool, and know that SERVPRO of Quad Cities is here for you. "Like it never even happened."

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    What to do During a Lightning Storm

    8/16/2022 (Permalink)

    We’ve been having a lot of thunderstorms in the Quad Cities lately, and it’s that time of year again when SERVPRO reminds of you the importance of storm safety, particularly as it relates to lightning. Here are some tips to keep you safe during a thunderstorm:

    • It is not safe to be outdoors during a thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, that means to get inside and stay put until at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.
    • Stay away from anything electrical in your home, as well as plumbing, windows, and doors. Lightning can be conducted through these mediums and reach you.
    • If you can’t get indoors, retreat from elevated surfaces, do not stay under trees and stay away from any object that can conduct electricity.

    Be Prepared for Severe Weather!

    8/16/2022 (Permalink)

    Being prepared to act quickly can be critical to staying safe during a weather event. Many businesses affected by major disasters never reopen—especially if they do not have an emergency plan in place. Knowing your risk of severe weather, taking action, and being an example are just a few steps you can take to be better prepared.

    Know Your Risk.

    Understanding the type of hazardous weather, and how it can affect you, your family or your employees is important. Check the weather forecast regularly, and obtain an NOAA Weather Radio.

    Take Action.

    Create a communications plan for your home and business. Put together or purchase an emergency kit. Keep important papers and materials in a safe place.

    Be an Example.

    Share your preparedness story with your family and friends. Inspire others to do the same.

    Preparation is key in making it through any size disaster and having a plan in place may help. Don’t wait until disaster strikes. Call SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 386-3540 to establish your Emergency Ready Profile and be “ready for whatever happens.”

    Lightening Safety!

    7/15/2022 (Permalink)

    Summer is the season when lightning is most prevalent, though it can actually strike any time of year. Lightning strikes in the United States about 25 million times every year. Though rare, lightning strikes on humans can be fatal. On average, about 47 people are killed by lightning strikes every year, while hundreds more are left seriously injured.

    As we enter the lightning season, it is important to know how best to stay safe. Below is a list of tips that will help you avoid injury or even death:

    • Avoid open spaces during a thunderstorm
    • Avoid metal structures just as fences or even electrical wiring
    • Avoid trees, metal towers, and utility poles
    • Try to stay indoors if possible
    • Even though the skit may look clear, that doesn’t mean you are safe from lightning. If you hear thunder, you can be struck by lightning

    An Emergency Supply Kit could prove life saving when a storm hits

    7/1/2022 (Permalink)

    When a storm is bearing down on your home there is one thing that could prove life-saving to your family if the storm causes major damage to your home or neighborhood. This is the Emergency Supply Kit. Every home should have a kit made in case of a massive storm damages your home or business. These are the recommended items that you should have for your Emergency Preparedness Kit for your home or business.

    Water (one gallon per person per day)

    Food (non-perishable 3-day supply)

    Manual can opener

    Battery-operated radio, preferably an NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries

    Flashlight and extra batteries

    First Aid Kit

    Whistle to signal for help


    Dust masks or bandanas

    Plastic sheeting, garbage bags, and duct tape

    Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

    Local Maps

    Hygiene items

    Important documents such as copies of insurance policies identification and bank account information


    Fire extinguisher

    Matches in a waterproof container.

    Quad Cities Flooding

    7/1/2022 (Permalink)

    We have been lucky in the Quad Cities this year so far when it comes to flooding. In the past years, we have seen record flood levels and widespread devastation all across our communities. But why have we been so lucky this year? First, you have to understand why flooding happens in the first place.

    Generally, flooding is when water overflows onto land that is usually dry. This can happen during heavy rain, or when a large amount of snow melts, causing waterways to be overwhelmed. Last year we had heavy snow and rapid melt in the northern parts of the country, which lead to an overwhelmed Mississippi river.

    This year, the Mississippi River, as well as the Rock River, was not overwhelmed by increases in water flow. Let’s cross our fingers that this continues.

    Preparing for Severe Weather

    7/1/2022 (Permalink)

    One of the easiest ways to protect yourself during severe weather is to have a weather radio in your home or office. It is just as important to have a radio as it is to have a fire alarm according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    A weather radio is designed to alert you of dangerous weather situations. Allows you to be warned in order to be safe. Most major retailers and online stores offer weather radios with these features for around $30. The following are the most important features to look for in a weather radio:

    • Reviewable alerts (you can scroll through alerts and turn off the siren for alerts you do not wish to hear).
    • Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) alert programming (alerts when specific counties are threatened, ensuring you only receive alerts for your county)..
    • Ease of programming.

    Remember to be safe and keep track of weather conditions. When fire or water damage puts the things that matter most on the line, you need the very best help on the line as well. Call SERVPRO Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 386-3540 to get the team that’s faster to any size disaster.

    Be ready for the next mid-west disaster

    4/5/2022 (Permalink)

    Iowa Derecho 2020 Iowa Derecho 2020

    When a storm is bearing down on your home there is one thing that could prove life saving to your family if the storm causes major damage to home, or neighborhood. This is the Emergency Supply Kit. Every home should have a kit made in case of a massive storm damages your home or business. These are the recommended items that you should have for your Emergency Preparedness Kit for your home or business. 

    • Water (one gallon per person per day)
    • Food (non-perishable 3 day supply)
    • Manual can opener
    • Battery operated radio, preferably a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries
    • Flashlight and extra batteries
    • First Aid Kit
    • Whistle to signal for help
    • Clothing
    • Dust masks of bandanas
    • Plastic sheeting, garbage bags and duct tape
    • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
    • Local Maps
    • Hygiene items
    • Important documents such as copies of insurance policies identification and bank account information
    • Cash
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Matches in a waterproof container.

    No Power, No Problem

    2/4/2022 (Permalink)

    No power When power is out, no worries. Make sure to follow the steps below, which can help protect yourself, your family, and your employees.

    We live in the Midwest…weather changes on a dime. So, when people say seasons changing, we just go with it. Sometimes, things happened and we aren’t prepared. SERVPRO of the Quad Cities wants to help you be prepared for anything.

    As the seasons change, weather changes as well. Mother Nature isn’t nice sometimes. It can be from wind, rain, freezing temperature, freezing rain, thunderstorms, snow…whatever the season and weather are, it’s crucial to be prepared. No matter what weather we are having, there is a potential risk of power outages, some more potential than others.

    Power outages disrupt our lives and business; we lose communications, water, and sometimes transportation. No power means no banks, no ATMs, no gas stations, and no shopping. More importantly, if there is no power, power outages can cause food to spoil, water contamination, and disrupt medical devices.

    How can you protect yourself, your family, and your employees in the event of a power outage? Follow these steps:

    • Use generators outdoors only and away from windows,
    • Do not use the gas stove to heat your home,
    • Keep freezer and refrigerators closed until power is back on,
    • Have another way to refrigerate medicines and using power-dependent medical devices,
    • Disconnect all appliances and electronics to avoid damage from electrical surges,
    • Go to an alternate location for cooling and heat if you can,
    • Check on your neighbors.

    SERVPRO of the Quad Cities is here to help!

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Storm Alerts: What do they mean?

    12/3/2021 (Permalink)

    Weather Alerts, winter roads Do you know what all the Weather Alerts mean?

    Always check out your local weather station/app for up-to-date information when storms are coming. I know sometimes, when watching the weather or listening to the weather, it can be confusing what they are talking about and what you should do. SERVPRO of the Quad Cities wants to give you some vital information that will help you.

    Outlooks: it’s the least serious of weather alerts. Basically, it means bad weather can occur within the next few days to a week.

    Advisory: a less serious alert. When they issue an advisory, it means to exercise caution and whatever is to come is not serious but can be an inconvenience.

    Watch: a more serious alert. When you see there is a watch, that means we have an increased risk. Be ready, stay on top of the weather. Be ready for it to change quickly.

    Warning: the most serious alert. A warning means the weather is happening right now. Seek shelter immediately, protect yourself and your family.

    As a reminder, there is no special or specific order in the alerts that can happen. If disaster strikes and you need help, SERVPRO of the Quad Cities is here to help. We are 24/7 with full-service capabilities. We will make it, “Like it never even happened.”

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Are You Ready For The Upcoming Colder Months?

    9/20/2021 (Permalink)

    Fall Winter It is important to have your home ready for colder months! Fall is the perfect time to do so.

    I know, when it’s hot out and miserable you can not wait for the cooler temperature and months to come. Believe it or not, winter is coming; it’ll be here before we know it. So, in the fall, it’s important to take the time to check over your property, to help prevent property damage during the winter months.

    We all know that Iowa winters can be harsh and temperatures can be extremely cold.

    Here is a fall maintenance checklist

    • Stow the mower
    • Store hoses and turn off outdoor water
    • Drain and turn off sprinkler systems (if you have one)
    • Seal crack around doors and windows
    • Clean your gutters
    • Inspect your roof
    • Direct drainage away from your house
    • Get your furnace serviced
    • Prune all your plants
    • Look up the chimney for blockages
    • Check dampers make sure they work

    SERVPRO of the Quad Cities is your #1 Fire & Water – Cleanup & Restoration company. We are here to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    One Year Anniversary of Derecho

    8/10/2021 (Permalink)

    Damage from Derecho Some of the damage from Derecho 2020

    Today August 10, 2021, marks the one-year anniversary of the Derecho storm that passed through the Quad Cities we can recall the damage that was inflicted by 100mph winds. Quad Cities businesses and residents experienced long periods of no power, roof damage, trees down on their property, damaged power lines, and personal property damage.

    As we reflect on the dangerous and devastating events surrounding last year’s storms, it’s important to know what to do in the future. We learned last year that it’s important to know how to prepare for long periods without power - consider installing a generator for your home or business, invest in flashlights, portable chargers for your phones, and battery-operated radios or televisions. We also learned that it’s important to have a safe space in your home or business to retreat to in the event of a storm. Having tarps on hand to cover any areas on your property before it can be fixed is important and be sure to have an emergency supply of food, medicine, and water in your home in case you can’t get to a store right away.

    Just like SERVPRO helped last year after the Derecho storm, we are Here to Help® for future storm events. We will help clean up and mitigate the damage that any storm inflicts on your property. Stay safe, Quad Cities!

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    How to Stay Safe and Prepared for Extreme Heat

    8/3/2021 (Permalink)

    City Heatwave Midwest can be HOT, Brutally HOT!

    Summers in the Midwest can be brutally HOT! How do you survive in extreme heat? Well, heatwaves are normal for this time of year… have a plan, make an emergency kit with plenty of water for everyone in your household.  Heatwaves are dangerous, especially for the young and elderly.

    Some facts about extreme heat:

    • Death Valley, in California, is said to be the hottest location on Earth
      • The highest temperature was July 10, 1913, at 134 degrees
    • The deadliest heatwave happened in Russia in 2010 killing 56,000 people
    • The longest continuous heatwave recorded lasted 101 days, in Arizona in 1937
    • In the US, heatwaves kill more people than any other natural disaster
    • Heatwaves in the last few years, have become more common and are lasting longer

     We have some safety tips for you.

    • Stay hydrated
    • Wear light-colored loose-fitting clothes
    • Pay close attention to babies and elderly
    • Keep windows and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day
    • Learn symptoms of heat-related illnesses are: heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heatstroke…
    • Don’t drink soda or alcohol
    • Try not to use the oven, just makes it hotter inside your home
    • Never ever leave people or animals in cars

    We are here to help!

    SERVPRO offers full-service capabilities 24/7. Our goal is to help make it…Like it never even happened.

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661


    7/27/2021 (Permalink)

    high temperature It's a hot day! WOW!

    Heatwaves can occur almost anywhere in the country. The best way to overcome heat is to be prepared. Here are 10 tips to help you stay cool and be prepared when a heatwave strikes.

    1. Find the coolest area of your home. Basements are the coolest because heat rises.
    2. Drink more beverages. Even if you are not thirsty. However, stay away from hot drinks, and alcoholic beverages
    3. Avoid eating protein-rich meals. Your body heat will increase as a result of increased metabolic rate. Eat lighter and more frequent meals
    4. Take a cool bath or shower. They should be right below the body’s temperature. Cold showers are not a good idea because they will make your body generate heat.
    5. Wear light-colored loose clothes. Avoid dark colors, they absorb the heat rather than reflect like light colors
    6. Avoid exercise and strenuous heat. If you must do, choose to do so in the early morning or evenings when its cooler
    7. Place ice cubes or run cold water on your pulse points. Do this every couple of hours to help cool yourself off. Your pulse points are areas on your body where blood circulates close to the skin.
    8. Spritz yourself with water and stay in front of a fan, in that water evaporates from your body to cool off.
    9. Unplug appliances or electronics you are not using. Electronics such as tv can consume electricity that converts into heat.
    10. Don’t forget that pets can be affected by heat. Don’t forget about your fur babies. Symptoms of heatstroke in animals: hot skin, wide eyes, excessive drooling, twitching muscles, and sometimes vomiting.

    Proper ventilation is almost as important to maintain a comfortable temperature. Stay safe, cool, and know that SERVPRO of Quad Cities is here for you. "Like it never even happened."

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    What to do after a storm

    6/28/2021 (Permalink)

    House with tree down on roof. Damage a storm can do Storm Damage! Tree fell on home

    You can reduce some of the damage caused by a storm by following this checklist:

    1. Check your home for any damage

    Not all storms have damage or at least damage you can see immediately, checking your home’s condition will help give you a clearer picture of the extent of the damage left by the storm if any.

    1. Assess the potential damage

    Some homes are more susceptible to damage than others; just like storms don’t discriminate, they just happen. Your roof is a vulnerable spot; some common signs of roof damage are: split seams, dented, broken or missing shingles, holes in the roof, leaks in your ceiling.  Some other areas would include doors, windows, and frames.

    1. Get in touch with your insurance provider

    HELP is on the way! Document the damage and loss that has been caused by the storm. Take photos before moving or beginning cleaning up efforts. Also, remember to hold on to all and any receipts. Once all information is put together your insurance agent will determine your coverage.

    1. Only attend to the damage you are capable of handling.

    Not all damage from the storm is extensive, you may be able to restore what little damage exists with a few repairs before seeking professionals.

    1. Choose the right contractor

    Once you have done all that…make sure you do your research and hire a professional, trustworthy, cleaning & restoration service company. It’s essential that your house is once again a habitable, healthy, living environment.

    While storms can wreak catastrophic damages upon a home or commercial buildings, promptly addressing the storm damage—first, to make emergency patches and then to take care of longer-term restoration—will go a long way in getting your home or business back to normal. 

    SERVPRO is the leading storm damage restoration company that has served the Quad Cities for 54 years. They can handle all aspects of the restoration process, from water removal to debris cleanup.

    For more information about storm damage cleanup and restoration call us!

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    How To Help Ease Your Child's Fear of Storms

    6/23/2021 (Permalink)

    Girl scared half under blanket How to calm children during storms

    It's that time of year here in the Midwest, the chance of severe storms and/or tornadoes are normal. Some children are scared of the storm itself, but also what can happen during a storm and the aftermath of the storm. The possibility of flooding, a tree falling on their house, car accidents, lightning striking their home, or even windows breaking. It can be very scary for them. We wanted to talk about children can have fears of storms, any kind of storm.

    Some tips to help you ease your children’s fear of storms.

    1. Acknowledge their fear, talk about it
    2. Explain what the storm is? What’s going on?
    3. Teach them a safety routine, EDUCATE THEM
    4. Provide extra comfort/stay together
    5. Stay calm, children are so observant
    6. Keep them busy
    7. Make a snack
    8. BE HONEST

    Let them know there are always people to help if disaster strikes, at home, work, or school. SERVPRO of the Quad Cities offers full-service capabilities with 24/7 service, we will respond quickly to assess the amount of damage and options to clean it up. "Like it never even happened."

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Staying Safe During Severe Storms

    6/9/2021 (Permalink)

    Severe storm rolling in on a farm Severe Storm Safety

    The majority of the U.S. is at risk for severe weather. Here in the Midwest, we get snowstorms, extreme cold, torrential rains, flooding, lightning, and severe thunderstorms with and without tornadoes. All things that can wreak havoc in your lives. Here are some safety tips on keeping your family safe and prepared for the unexpected weather!

    1. Have a plan…where to go, meet, and don’t forget your pets. When making your plan make sure you have 2 ways in and out of the house if you need to evacuate.
    2. Stay out of the water; even if it’s only a few inches deep; it can be dangerous
    3. Stay away from power lines and always report downlines
    4. To prevent any electrical damage, unplug your electrical items, that could possibly be affected by lightning strikes
    5. If winter, make sure the driveway and entryway to the house is clear of snow and ice
    6. Lastly, make sure your house number is visible

    SERVPRO of the Quad Cities is Here to Help ® after the storm has passed! Stay safe and know that when disaster strikes, we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Tornado Safety

    5/12/2021 (Permalink)

    Tornado Now is the time to be prepared for Tornadoes.

    In the midst of tornado season for the Quad Cities, it’s a great time to review some basic safety tips!

    First things first, knowing when a tornado is coming. A tornado watch is issued when there is a possibility that a tornado could occur. It usually covers a broad area and lasts a longer period of time. A tornado warning is issued when severe weather is actually happening. Usually, a tornado warning is a siren that sounds a steady tone for three minutes. Under a tornado warning, it’s important to retreat to a safe place.

    Where is a safe place? A basement or a room on the lowest floor toward the center of your home without windows. Do not stay in a mobile home and if you’re in a car, find the nearest shelter. If you cannot find any shelter while driving, lie flat in the nearest ditch and cover your head with your hands.

    It’s important to be prepared in case of a tornado. Keep fresh batteries and a battery-operated radio or TV that you can stay up to date on weather conditions. Have a flashlight, water, non-perishable foods, and medications in an emergency kit. Be sure that your kids know what to do during a tornado either at home or at school.

    Remember that if a tornado does affect your home, SERVPRO of the Quad Cities is Here to Help ® after the storm has passed! Stay safe and know that when disaster strikes, we can make it “Like it never even happened.”

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Being Prepared for Floods

    4/8/2021 (Permalink)

    Quad Cities Flood River Bandits Baseball Field Flooding in the Quad Cities, 2019

    We are approaching the 2-year anniversary of the enormous floods that came through the Quad Cities and devastated so many downtown businesses in 2019. With firsthand knowledge of how detrimental floods can be, our community should be proactive about having a plan in place and we’re here to help!  

    Follow these tips to be prepared in the event of a flood:

    • Review your flood and homeowner’s insurance policy and ensure it is in effect.
    • Regularly check your sump pump and make sure it is functioning properly.
    • Know where all of your hazardous materials are – it’s best to have them on higher ground.
    • In an emergency, always listen to the instructions given by local emergency management officials.
    • Know where shut-offs are ahead of time. If an advanced flood warning is issued, turn off utilities at the main switches or valves, if instructed to do so. Disconnect electrical equipment and appliances. (DO NOT touch electrical equipment if you are wet and DO NOT walk-through water)
    • In the event of a flood warning, move vehicles to safer areas (DO NOT drive through standing water) and raise elevators from the bottom floor.
    • Train your employees ahead of a flood event

    It’s important to review these plans annually and ensure that nothing has changed. It is not possible to be too prepared. If you do not have a plan in place, SERVPRO offers Emergency Ready Profiles as a free tool to help Quad Cities and Muscatine businesses be prepared for whatever happens. Call our team and we will come out and create a plan for you.

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Winter Storms | Deciphering Storm Warnings

    2/5/2021 (Permalink)

    In the Midwest we are currently facing the winter storm season. Winter storms can range from a small amount of snow over several hours all the way to a to a heavy blizzard with blinding, wind driven snow that lasts several days. Some winter storms can be large enough to affect several states at one time or just single communities. Many winter storms are accompanied by dangerously low temperatures and strong winds, icing, sleeting, and freezing rain.

    At SERVPRO, one of the things we strive for is preparedness. During the winter season, it’s important to know what kind of storm you are preparing for. Below are headlines that weather channels use for winter storms and what they mean.

    Winter Storm Watch – winter storm conditions are possible within the next 36-48 hours. People in a watch area should review their winter storm plans and stay informed about weather conditions.

    Winter Weather Advisory – winter weather conditions are expected to cause significant dangers and may be hazardous. Everyone should be cautious on the roads, stay indoors if possible, and dress warmly.  

    Winter Storm Warning – life threatening severe winter conditions have begun or will begin in 24 hours. People in warning area should take precautions immediately and stay in a safe place.

    It’s always important to make sure your car has plenty of gas throughout winter and you have supplies in your home and car such as a first aid kit, food, bottled water, flashlight, and blankets. No matter what type of winter weather hits you, our experienced team at SERVPRO is ready to respond to damage to your home or business.

     SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf | (563)386-3540
    SERVPRO of Moline/Rock Island | (309)797-1199
    SERVPRO of Muscatine | (563)264-8661

    Prepare for Winter Storms!

    12/3/2020 (Permalink)

    Dangerous Icicles on Gutters Protect Your Home This Winter!

    It has been a mild winter in the Quad Cities so far, but the official start of winter is right around the corner! It’s important to remember how to prepare for winter storms. Knowing what to expect is the best way to keep your home and businesses safe!

    1. Ice

    The weight of ice on your gutters could cause them to fall off. The best way to prevent major ice and water damage on your home is to ensure your home is well-insulated. Make sure that any gaps are sealed around light fixtures to keep warm air from rising into your attic and keep your attic well insulated to prevent warm air escaping out your roof. Ice can also weigh down tree branches and cause them to break and fall on your home or powerlines. Check the trees on your property frequently to look for broken or weak branches that are susceptible to coming down under the weight of ice.

    1. Strong winds

    Strong and heavy winds can blow shingles loose on your roof or take off your gutters or siding. If damage like this occurs, your home or business is prone to water damage. Sometimes this damage can occur in areas that are hard to see and you may not even realize that water damage is underway. Inspecting your roof, siding, and gutters before and after a heavy storm is the best way to prepare!

    1. Heavy Snow

    Sometimes removing heavy snow from your roof or tree limbs is the best way to prevent future damage. Two feet of packed snow is enough to make a roof collapse! Reach out to professionals who have experience and proper safety equipment to remove excessive snow.

    Be observant and prepared this winter! It could be what prevents water damage to your home or business. If water damage does happen to your home, then call SERVPRO. Our team of experts are available 24/7 and we will make the damage seem "Like it never even happened."

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf and Moline/Rock Island (563)386-3540

    Lightning Safety

    7/7/2020 (Permalink)

    Summer is the season when lightning is most prevalent, though it can actually strike any time of year. Lightning strikes in the United States about 25 million times every year. Though rare, lightning strikes to humans can be fatal. On average, about 47 people are killed by lightning strikes every year, while hundreds more are left seriously injured.

    As we enter the lightning season, it is important to know how best to stay safe. Below is a list of tips that will help you avoid injury or even death:

    • Avoid open spaces during a thunderstorm
    • Avoid metal structures just as fences or even electrical wiring
    • Avoid trees, metal towers, and utility polls
    • Try to stay indoors if possible
    • Even though the skit may look clear, that doesn’t mean you are safe from lightning. If you hear thunder, you can be struck by lightning

    How to Prepare for a Tornado

    7/7/2020 (Permalink)

    Tornado season is upon us once again and it is time to go over your family’s plan in case of severe weather. As Midwesterners, we know well how violent tornadoes can be and the widespread damage that can be done. While most damage is out of our control, being well prepared for these disasters saves lives.

    The first thing you can do in preparation for a tornado is identify a safe place in your home where your family and pets can gather. This place will be located in your basement or cellar. If you don’t have a basement, make sure the safe room is on the lowest level in your home. If you live in an apartment complex, try to stay in the hallways near the center of the building and away from windows on the lowest possible floor. Mobile home owners should seek shelter at nearby safe structures.  Mobile homes are never safe during a tornado.

    Preparing your family for a tornado should take place long before a Warning is announced. Everyone in the household should be aware of the safest place to go during a tornado, especially children. This does not only apply to your home; because we are not always at home when a tornado strikes, everyone in your household should understand emergency plans at their place of work or school.

    You should also have a supply kit prepared to use in your safe place while you wait out the storm. These should include emergency supplies, such as medications, flashlights, first-aid kit, and a battery operated radio to monitor the progress of the weather.

    Call your local restoration professionals at SERVPRO for more information!

    What to Do During a Lightning Storm

    6/29/2020 (Permalink)

    We’ve been having a lot of thunderstorms in the Quad Cities lately, and it’s that time of year again when SERVPRO reminds of you the importance of storm safety, particularly as it relates to lightning. Here are some tips to keep you safe during a thunderstorm:

    • It is not safe to be outdoors during a thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, that means get inside and stay put until at least 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.
    • Stay away from anything electrical in your home, as well as plumbing, windows, and doors. Lightning can be conducted through these mediums and reach you.
    • If you can’t get indoors, retreat from elevated surfaces, do not stay under trees, and stay away from any object that can conduct electricity.

    Quad Cities Flooding

    6/5/2020 (Permalink)

    We have been lucky in the Quad Cities this year so far when it comes to flooding. Last year we saw record flood levels and widespread devastation all across our communities. But why have we been so lucky this year? First you have to understand why flooding happens in the first place.

    Generally, flooding is when water overflows on to land that is usually dry. This can happen during a heavy rain, or when a large amount of snow melts, causing waterways to be overwhelmed. Last year we had heavy snow and rapid melt in the northern parts of the country, which lead to an overwhelmed Mississippi river.

    This year, the Mississippi river, as well as the Rock river, was not overwhelmed by increases in water flow. Let’s cross our fingers that this continues.

    Storm Damage Clean-Up

    6/4/2020 (Permalink)

    When you are dealing with storm related water damage, your immediate action is crucial to preserving and restoring your property and getting your life back to normal.

    When disaster strikes, you should choose the company with storm damage experience and expertise that has the resources and equipment to handle the job. SERVPRO of Davenport / Bettendorf has been helping our Quad Cities communities weather life's storms for over 25 years. We are open 24/7 and can respond immediately to any storm and flooding conditions.

    When necessary, we also have the capability to perform pack-out services, removing your salvageable personal property for off-site cleaning and storage while we dry and restore your property.

    If you have a storm-related water damage, call SERVPRO to make it "Like it never even happened."

    How to Prevent Water in Your Basement During Rain

    5/20/2020 (Permalink)

    water in basement Water can creep in quick during a heavy rain.

    We haven’t experienced any flooding in the Quad Cities yet this year, but we have seen some rain. And we all know what this can mean: wet basements. Whether you have a compromised foundation or an inadequate draining system, you may fall victim to a wet basement during the rainy months. No matter the cause, there are ways to prevent water from accumulating in your basement during heavy rains.

    Here are some tips to help get you through spring:

    • Check your sump pump: a faulty pump can lead to rising water in your basement. Always make sure to test your pump regularly to ensure proper function. It can save you a lot of money.
    • Make sure your gutters are clean: full gutters can lead to overflow and saturation of soil around your foundation. Limiting water accumulation around your foundation will help prevent water seepage.
    • Keep an extra pump on hand: sometimes your sump pump can’t keep up with rising groundwater levels, especially during exceptionally hard rains. Having an extra pump can lessen the burden on your main pump and double your flood prevention power.

    If you experience water in your basement, call SERVPRO to make it “Like it never even happened.”

    Stay Safe From Lightning

    6/19/2019 (Permalink)

    Lightning strikes in the United States approximately 25 million times per year. Most of these strikes occur in summer, though lightning can actually strike at any time during the year. And though it is rare, lightning strikes on humans can be fatal; in fact, an average of 47 people per year are killed in lightning strikes, while hundreds of people are seriously injured. You can use the following tips to keep yourself  and others safe from lightning strikes:

    • Try to avoid wide open areas during a storm.
    • Stay clear of trees, towers, utility poles, or any other large or tall metal objects.
    • Stay clear of metal structures such as fences or wiring.
    • Stay indoors if possible.
    • Clear skies do not mean you are in danger. If you can hear thunder, you can be struck by lightning.

    Why Does Flooding Occur?

    5/13/2019 (Permalink)

    Flood scene in downtown Davenport

    There are few places in the world that do not have to worry about flooding. As it goes, ‘where there is rain, there will be flooding’. And, being a local business in the Quad Cities for over 25 years, we have seen our fair share of flooding on the Mississippi and Rock River, and we know the devastation it causes in our communities.

    Technically, flooding is when typically dry land becomes overwhelmed and covered by a sustained water presence. But how does this process take place? What makes a river flood? Rain is a large contributor: as rain water pours into rivers from creeks and storm drains, the river is overwhelmed with water and its banks encroach on adjacent dry land, referred to as the floodplain. While river flooding can be caused by heavy rains, there are other causes. One of these include rapidly melting ice or snow that pours into storm drains and finds its way into streams and rivers; this will very quickly add to the normal amount of water flowing in a river and cause level rises as the water moves downstream. We experienced a great deal of this with record snow fall this year.

    As we know in the Quad Cities, it can take several days for flooding to develop, giving our residents time to prepare for the incoming water. But this flood in particular was difficult to be ready for, as the flood water has stuck around for a record length of time, and was higher than any in history. As we recover in our communities from this devastation, SERVPRO is “Here to Help” with residential and commercial clean-ups. If you have experienced water damage, call SERVPRO at 563-386-3540 to make it “Like it never even happened."

    Flooding - What To Do Until Help Arrives

    5/2/2019 (Permalink)

    Quad Cities communities know well the effects associated with floods. Every few years we have a really bad one. But this year has been no exception. In fact, we have broken records as the water continues to rise and has sustained major flood levels for several weeks. By all means, this will go down as one of the worst floods in Quad Cities history.

    At SERVPRO, we understand how stressful and inconvenient the flooding season can be. If you are experiencing water damage from flooding, here are some things you should do before help arrives:

    • Turn off your circuit breakers for wet areas in your home. Only do this if access to your panel is safe!
    • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
    • Use wooden clothespins to keep furniture skirting off of damp floors.


    • Enter rooms with standing water where electrical shock hazards may exist.
    • Touch contaminated water or items that have come into contact with contaminated water.
    • Leave books, newspapers, or other colored items on wet carpets or floors.

    Call SERVPRO today at 563-386-3540 if you need assistance.

    Preparing For a Flood

    3/13/2019 (Permalink)

    With the large amounts of melting snow up north, coupled with forecasts of heavy rain, this flood season is set to be an historic one. For this reason, it is important that you and your family are prepared. This means paying close attention to local weather predictions, being mindful of possible road closures, and following instructions from local authorities when applicable. If flooding in your area is probable, have a safe place nearby where you can temporarily relocate, such as with a family member or friend. Also, if you have pets, make sure to have food and water, vaccination papers, and proper housing arrangements made, such as animal-friendly hotels.

    In addition, the American Red Cross recommends having certain items packed and ready to go for when a flood hits. See the list below of some of these essential items:

    • Water—3+ day supply (1 gallon per person per day)
    • Food—3+ day supply (non-perishable, easy to prepare)
    • Flashlight
    • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio
    • Extra batteries
    • First-Aid kit
    • Medications
    • Extra cash
    • Emergency blankets

    For more information, please call SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf at 563-386-3540.

    Tornadoes: How Do they Work?

    3/11/2019 (Permalink)

    What are they?

    A tornado, often called a twister, is a rapidly circulating column of air extending from the clouds of a thunderstorm to the ground. Tornadoes can create winds exceeding 300 miles per hour; though, even much slower winded tornadoes can cause destruction.

    While, most often, tornadoes last only a few minutes and do not travel much more than a mile before they disappear, others grow to massive sizes and travel for several miles, causing widespread devastation to communities.

    What causes them?

    Tornadoes spawn out of severe thunderstorms as warm, moist air and cool, dry air is combined. As these 2 air types collide, an instability is created. As a change in wind direction takes place, coupled with an increase in wind speed, a horizontal spinning effect begins in the lower atmosphere. Then, as air rises toward the sky, the horizontal rotating winds become vertical, thus creating the tornadoes we all recognize.

    What to do when affected by storm damage

    6/6/2018 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

    Faster Response

    Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

    Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

    When storms hit the area, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

    Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today (563) 386-3540

    What you should have in your emergency supply kit

    5/1/2018 (Permalink)

    Severe weather can happen anytime, anywhere. Each year, Americans cope with an average of the following intense storms:

    • 10,000 severe thunderstorms
    • 5,000 floods or flash floods
    • 1,000 tornadoes
    • 2 land-falling deadly hurricanes

    Knowing your risk of severe weather, taking action and being an example are just a few steps you can take to be better prepared to save your life and assist in saving the lives of others.

    Know your risk

    Understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work, and how the weather could impact you, your business and your family.

    Take action

    Put together or purchase an emergency kit. Keep important papers and valuables in a safe place.

    Be an example

    Share your story with co-workers, family, and friends. Your preparedness story will inspire others to do the same.

    Build an emergency supply kit

    • Water (one gallon per person per day)
    • Food (non-perishable 3-day supply)
    • Manual can opener
    • Battery operated radio, preferably a NOAA Weather Radio
    • Flashlight and extra batteries
    • First aid kit
    • Whistle to signal for help
    • Clothing
    • Dust masks or bandannas
    • Plastic sheeting, garbage bags and duct tape
    • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
    • Hygiene items
    • Important documents; copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account information
    • Cash
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Matches in a waterproof container

    Contact SERVPRO Davenport/Bettendorf professionals for additional readiness tips and tools, including SERVPRO’s FREE Emergency Ready Profile. Learn more and be “Ready for whatever happens!”

    (563) 386-3540

    Be prepared for severe weather

    1/5/2018 (Permalink)

    Being prepared to act quickly can be critical to staying safe during a weather event. Many businesses affected by major disasters never reopen—especially if they do not have an emergency plan in place. Knowing your risk of severe weather, taking action and being an example are just a few steps you can take to be better prepared.

    Know Your Risk.

    Understanding the type of hazardous weather, how it can affect you, your family or employees is important. Check the weather forecast regularly, and obtain a NOAA Weather Radio.

    Take Action.

    Create a communications plan for your home and business. Put together or purchase an emergency kit. Keep important papers and materials in a safe place.

    Be an Example.

    Share your preparedness story with your family and friends. Inspire others to do the same.

    Preparation is key in making it through any size disaster and having a plan in place may help. Don’t wait until disaster strikes. Call SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 386-3540 to establish your Emergency Ready Profile and be “ready for whatever happens.”

    Tools to help you be prepared for severe weather

    1/5/2018 (Permalink)

    One of the easiest ways to protect yourself during sever weather is to have a weather radio in your home or office. It is just as important to have a radio as it is to have a fire alarm according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    A weather radio is designed to alert you of dangerous weather situations. Allows you to be warned in order to be safe. Most major retailers and online stores offer weather radios with these features for around $30. The following are the most important features to look for in a weather radio:

    • Reviewable alerts (you can scroll through alerts and turn off the siren for alerts you do not wish to hear).
    • Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) alert programming (alerts when specific counties are threatened, ensuring you only receive alerts for your county)..
    • Ease of programming.

    Remember to be safe and keep track of weather conditions. When fire or water damage puts the things that matter most on the line, you need the very best help on the line as well. Call SERVPRO Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 386-3540 to get the team that’s faster to any size disaster.

    Shocking facts about lightning

    1/5/2018 (Permalink)

    Lightning is one of the leading causes of weather-related fatalities. Though the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year around 1 in 500,000, some factors can put you at greater risk for being struck. Here are a few lightning safety tips.

    Be aware.

    Check the forecast before participating in outdoor activities. If it calls for thunderstorms, postpone your trip or activity, or make sure adequate safe shelter is available.

    Go indoors.

    Remember the phrase, “When thunder roars, go indoors.” Find a safe, enclosed shelter when you hear thunder. Safe shelters include homes, offices, shopping centers, and hard-top vehicles with the windows rolled up.

    Avoid windows, doors, porches, and concrete.

    Do not lie on concrete floors and avoid leaning on concrete walls. Lightening can travel through any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring.

    If you fear you have storm damage, call SERVPRO Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 396-3540. We are here to help.

    2017 A Year of Storms—Were You Prepared?

    12/8/2017 (Permalink)

    Major storms from Hurricane Harvey that ravaged the Texas and Louisiana gulf shores and Hurricane Irma that tore a path from the northeastern Caribbean Islands to the gulf shores of the Florida coast to 1,321 tornadoes that occurred from January through August all brought devastation across the United States.  Often times we do not know where or when disasters or emergencies will strike, but you can be ready.

    Now is the time to think about the basics—the things you would need in advance of an emergency; how will you communicate, what supplies do you need to keep in your home, car or office.  The more you know about what to do in a storm emergency, the more confident and secure you will feel in your abilities to manage through a disaster.

    Recommended Items for a Basic Emergency Supply Kit

    • Water, one gallon per person, per day
    • Food, non-perishable 3-day supply
    • Manual can opener
    • Battery operated radio—preferably a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries
    • Flashlight and extra batteries
    • First aid kit
    • Whistle to signal for help
    • Clothing
    • Garbage bags, plastic sheeting and duct tape
    • Wrench or pliers to turn  off utilities, if necessary
    • Hygiene items
    • Important documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account information
    • Cash
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Candles and matches in a waterproof container

    If disasters do strike, call the professionals at SERVPRO Davenport/Bettendorf at 563-386-3540 to help you mitigate the damage and restore your life.  The first steps taken in a disaster situation can mean the difference between recovery and total loss.

    Prepare your home before the storm!

    7/19/2017 (Permalink)

    Not only does summertime bring along warmer temps, it also brings the increased risk of damaging thunderstorms to the Davenport and Bettendorf area. SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf are here to help you clean up your home or business after the storm, but right now we want to talk about what a home or business owner can do before a storm hits to help decrease the potential damages done to your structure. Here are some tips that could benefit you when a storm hits.

    • Remove dead or rotting tree branches that pose a threat to your property. These branches pose a greater risk to fall and cause damage
    • Secure any outdoor objects, such as lawn furniture, that could be blown away or that could potentially cause damage to your home or a neighbor's.
    • Shutter your windows, and be sure to secure any outside doors. If your are not able to shutter your windows, make sure to at least close your window blinds, shades, or curtains.
    • Before the storm hits your area, be sure to unplug any unnecessary electronic equipment

    If a storm has damaged your home or business, do not hesitate to call SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 386-3540.

    An Emergency Supply Kit could prove life saving when a storm hits

    7/19/2017 (Permalink)

    When a storm is bearing down on your home there is one thing that could prove life saving to your family if the storm causes major damage to home, or neighborhood. This is the Emergency Supply Kit. Every home should have a kit made in case of a massive storm damages your home or business. These are the recommended items that you should have for your Emergency Preparedness Kit for your home or business. 

    • Water (one gallon per person per day)
    • Food (non-perishable 3 day supply)
    • Manual can opener
    • Battery operated radio, preferably a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries
    • Flashlight and extra batteries
    • First Aid Kit
    • Whistle to signal for help
    • Clothing
    • Dust masks of bandanas
    • Plastic sheeting, garbage bags and duct tape
    • Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
    • Local Maps
    • Hygiene items
    • Important documents such as copies of insurance policies identification and bank account information
    • Cash
    • Fire extinguisher
    • Matches in a waterproof container.

    Summer is here! And so are the storms!

    6/21/2017 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO of DAVENPORT/BETTENDORF is here to help the next time a storm damages your home!

    When Storms Hit Davenport or Bettendorf be sure to call SERVPRO!

    Summer starts today, and we have already had our fair share of storms around the Quad Cities. Living here in the midwest, we all know how much damage our severe thunderstorms can cause. Hail can wreak havoc on roofs. Heavy rains can cause lead to flooded basements. Wind can knock down trees that could potentially destroy your home.

    No matter how much damage a storm causes to your home or business, always remember that SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf is here to help with the clean up. Next time the sirens go off in your neighborhood, all the way from Muscatine to Clinton, remember that SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf is more than ready to assist your home or business with the clean up.

    If Your Davenport, Bettendorf, Muscatine, or Clinton Home or Business Has Been Damaged By A Storm Call SERVPRO of Davenport/Bettendorf at (563) 386-3540